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di:Schätze 珎.品

Do you feel tired, boring, exhausted?

珎.品提供您多重途受 - 文字藝術 及 購物樂趣。


di:Schätze aimed to provide you with multiple enjoyments - Chinese writing and shopping. 

Promise me! From now, treat yourself better! 


About 關於我們

The Story

Di:Schätze是德語Die Schätze,意為寶物;珎是「珍」的字源,指貴重之物。


 不知道您為多少了人做了多少事,是時間為自己踏出一步 - 善待自己!




Di: Schätze is German, 'Die Schätze', means treasure

What is the most precious and valuable thing for people? It's yourself!

Time for treating yourself better! Give yourself a gift!

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